Diana-Ahri // Loss // D4

Key Takeaways:

Aggression: I need to be aggressive at the right times. Multiple times in this game I get caught while going for an extended trade because I did not check where the enemy jungler was before I went in. I believe it is because I am playing with little regard for small wins. Most of the times where I get ganked it is because I am greeding for a big win instead of taking a small win. If I push the Ahri out of lane or burn her ult, I can slowly get gold and xp leads without risk of losing much on my part.


Date: 7/16/23


3:15 - I get out if my phase rush procs, I am not exactly sure why it doesn't. I was playing that way knowing that I get out relatively easy with phase rush. It happens. We lose a lot to this and it becomes very disastrous.

9:15 - Going in here leads to me losing the game. I shouldn't go in all the way, if I want to jump on Ahri and burn her ult that is fine. Going in without knowledge on Kayn creates an issue where my bot lane feels like they need to walk up to capitlize on something and they get caught and die to the enemy bot lane. Making the game significantly harder.

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