Diana-Pantheon // Win // Diamond 3

Key Takeaways:

Playing to my champion identity. I take multiple roams that were bad when I had plenty of opportunity to hit the turret and get plates/ first turret instead.

Threat assessment. I wasn't aware of how dangerous their team comp was and I didn't assess the game state frequently enough by pressing tab and looking how power spikes or items.


Date: 7/16/23


4:40 - I have to put higher priority on using my W instead of my Q when I am getting dove. The turret can do the damage, I just need to survive.

6:23 - This control ward does nothing. I either get one out that protects me from a gank or I hold it for now.

8:20 - My pings have to be sooner and better when facing a Pantheon. His ult lets him move very quickly. An argument could be made that I didn't know which side he would move to as there were fights happening on both sides of the map, I do not believe that crossed my mind in the game.

12:10 - The mid turret was super free. I could have gotten 2 plates and first turret if I didn't move to a clearly already dead play.

14:00 - I hadn't assessed the amount of point and click cc their team comp has. I need to recognize this before I am put into positions to waste my flash. Another instance of being able to pressure turrets but I roam for dead plays instead.

20:00 - I don't press tab before me going in and dying at the baron. If I had, I would see the large amount of magic resist they have and know that I never kill anyone with my engage.

Ending review here because I am dying with a mejai's around major objectives.

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